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Frosinone vs Salernitana: Analysis and Prediction of the Serie A match

Apr 24, 2024

The next Serie A match between Frosinone and Salernitana will take place on April 26th at the Benito Stirpe stadium. In case of defeat or draw, the Campanians would leave Serie A after three years in the top-flight Serie A championship.

Let's analyze the statistics of the two teams:

- In the last match on April 21, 2024, drew with Torino with a score of 0-0. 
- In the last 5 matches, lost once and drew 4 times. Scored an average of 1 goal per game and conceded 1.2 goals. 
- In this Serie A season, won 6 times, lost 17 times, and drew 10 times. Scored an average of 1.21 goals per game and conceded 1.91 goals. 
- Hasn't won in the last 12 matches. 
- Conceded at least 1 goal in 27 of its last 30 Serie A matches. 
- More than 1.5 goals were scored in 29 of the last 33 matches. 
- Conceded at least 1 goal in 14 of the last 16 home matches in Serie A. 
- At least 1 goal in the first half was scored in 7 of the last 8 home matches in Serie A.

- In the last match on April 21, 2024, lost to Fiorentina with a score of 0-2. 
- In the last 5 matches, lost 4 times and drew once. Scored an average of 0.6 goals per game and conceded 2.4 goals. 
- In this Serie A season, won 2 times, lost 22 times, and drew 9 times. Scored an average of 0.79 goals per game and conceded 2.12 goals. 
- Hasn't won in the last 16 matches. 
- Conceded at least 1 goal in the last 10 matches. 
- More than 1.5 goals were scored in the first half in the last 5 Serie A away matches. 
- Conceded at least 2 goals in the last 4 Serie A matches.
- Lost in 5 of the last 6 Serie A matches.

Head to head:
In the last head-to-head match on September 22, 2023, Frosinone and Salernitana drew with a score of 1-1.
In the last 5 head-to-head matches, Frosinone won once, Salernitana won once, and they drew 3 times. Frosinone scored an average of 0.6 goals per game, while Salernitana scored an average of 0.6 goals per game. 

Turati; Zortea, Romagnoli, Okoli, Valeri; Mazzitelli, Barrenechea, Brescianini; Soulé, Cheddira, Reinier
Costil; Zanoli, Pirola, Manolas, Bradaric; Gomis, Legowski; Vignato, Martegani, Tchaouna; Ikwuemesi

frosinone - salernitana

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